Sathya Sai Baba. Supernatural Experiences and Divine Transformation. Book One - Svyatoslav Dubyanskiy

Sathya Sai Baba. Supernatural Experiences and Divine Transformation. Book One





Вашему вниманию представляется уникальная книга мемуаров о величайшем индийском мистике и чудотворце Сатье Саи Бабе. Он родился в южной части Индии в 1926 году и ушел из жизни в 2011 году, достигнув возраста восьмидесяти четырех лет. Легендарный Сатья Саи Баба был известен как философ, гуманист, духовный учитель и наиболее значительный исполнитель чудес нашего времени. Он проповедовал единство всех религий, учил практике медитации и духовному преображению людей своими благословениями. Помогая сверхъестественными способностями, он исцелял людей от болезней и изменял судьбы своих последователей. Жизнь и учения Сатья Саи Бабы вызывали ожесточенные дебаты и обсуждения на протяжении многих лет, и даже сейчас эти споры не утихают. Некоторые духовные лидеры Индии и Запада относились к нему с глубочайшим почтением и считали его самым божественным учителем человечества. Среди последователей и учеников Сатья Саи Бабы были выдающиеся политики и бизнесмены со всего мира. Эта уникальная книга предлагает не только исчерпывающий обзор жизни и достижений этого великого духовного лидера, но и добавляет личные впечатления и комментарии автора, который сам был свидетелем дивных явлений и чудотворных событий, происходивших с Сатьей Саи Бабой. Вместе с уникальными историями и фотографиями, приводимыми в этой книге, вы сможете окунуться в мир таинственного и духовного, которым жил этот великий человек и которое он приносил окружающим. Не упустите возможность узнать больше о прославленных качествах и учениях Сатьи Саи Бабы и прочувствовать их влияние на свою собственную жизнь. Это настоящая сокровищница духовной мудрости и вдохновения для каждого, кто стремится расширить свое сознание и найти духовное счастье.

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Memories and Experiences of a Russian Devotee

Author's Preface

The Life and Teachings of Sathya Sai Baba

Before you is a book of memoirs about the greatest Indian mystic and miracle worker Sathya Sai Baba. He was born in the very south of India in 1926 and left his body in 2011 at the age of eighty-four. He was known as a philosopher, humanist, spiritual teacher, and the most significant miracle worker of our time.

Sathya Sai Baba preached the unity of all religions, taught meditation practices, and spiritually transformed people with his blessings. With the help of his supernatural abilities, he healed people from diseases and changed the destinies of his followers. The life and teachings of Sathya Sai Baba have caused heated debates and discussions for many years, even now these disputes do not subside.

Some spiritual leaders of India and the West treated him with the deepest reverence and considered him the most divine teacher of mankind. Among the followers and disciples of Sathya Sai Baba were the most prominent politicians and businessmen from around the world.

Sathya Sai Baba’s translator

I was fortunate to be Sathya Sai Baba's interpreter from 1993 to 1999. I translated conversations from English into Russian during Sathya Sai Baba's personal meetings with Russian-speaking groups from Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Lithuania, Latvia, and Kazakhstan. I watched how Sathya Sai Baba communicated directly with followers and visitors, gave spiritual instructions, answered urgent questions, healed people from illnesses, and changed people's lives.

For me, Sathya Sai Baba is a divine teacher who helped people at all levels of being, from the highest levels of spiritual enlightenment to the most acute problems related to health, family life, and business. For Sathya Sai Baba, there were no unimportant questions. Everything that worried people was important for him. He communicated with each person according to their needs and his level of perception.

The birth of this book

After Sathya Sai Baba passed away in 2011, many people asked me to write about the amazing stories I witnessed. Feeling the need to share my memories with a wide range of readers, I sat down to work, inspired. I remembered how Sathya Sai Baba was during his informal meetings, including his amazing sense of humor and deep insight, while reflecting on the significance of his spiritual heritage.

This book is not just a fascinating story about the life of Sathya Sai Baba and his many miracles; it can also be used as a practical guide on the path of life. The book contains a lot of Sathya Sai Baba's advice on working with the subconscious, meditation techniques and self-healing practices, as well as important recommendations on how to consciously work with the circumstances of life.

The book deals with many interesting and important topics: the relationship between man and God, the harmony of the spiritual path and social success, the right balance between religious practices and financial well-being, meditation practices, and a happy family life.

Creativity of the Author as an Artist

Many years of communication with Sathya Sai Baba completely transformed my soul. His blessings touched literally every aspect of my life. As a professional artist, I am grateful to Sathya Sai Baba for helping me realize that fine art is one of the greatest methods of spiritual self-knowledge and self-improvement.