Alisa Roft читать книги онлайн бесплатно

"Life should be cherished as a precious second chance, where every loss presents an opportunity to start anew..." After graduating from school, Anna bids farewell to her Siberian hometown and embarks on a new adventure in Israel. Over the course of six years in the "Holy Land," Anna encounters numerous challenges, yet she discovers solace in an unsuspected companion – an ethereal presence who has guided her since childhood. Unseen by others, this enigmatic figure provides unwavering support, protection, and compassion for Anna. However, when Mihael (Misha) enters her life, Anna's connection with her invisible friend begins to fade. Misha becomes her source of comfort and familiarity, leaving Anna questioning the existence of her spectral confidant.

Yet, as Anna delves into the depths of her dreams, she frequently finds herself in a mysterious realm where she meets an extraordinary individual named Oren. A powerful sense of déjà vu envelops Anna as Oren insists on their prior acquainta...