The Book of Tobit – a scientific commentary on the text - Андрей Тихомиров

The Book of Tobit – a scientific commentary on the text





The Book of Tobit holds a significant place in religious literature, although its inclusion in various canons has caused some divisions among different Christian denominations. While Orthodox Christians do not consider it part of their canon, Catholics view it as a canonical text. Surprisingly, this book does not appear in the Jewish Tanakh and is absent from Protestant publications. Dating back to around 200 BC, its original composition was in a Semitic language. Fragments of the book in Hebrew and Aramaic were discovered among the renowned Dead Sea Scrolls. The Greek version found in the Septuagint and the Latin version in the Vulgate display distinct variations in their texts. Content-wise, the book serves a religious and moral purpose, emphasizing the importance of charitable acts, proper burial practices, and upholding a virtuous family life.

It is fascinating to explore how this ancient text has traversed different languages and cultures, leaving its mark on the history of religious literature. With its diverse versions and varying interpretations, the Book of Tobit continues to contribute to the rich tapestry of religious thought and teachings even today.

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Chapter 1

1 Book of tales of Tobit, son of Tobiel, Hananilov, Aduilov, Gavail, from the tribe of Asiel, from the tribe of Naphtali, (Enumeration of paternal ancestors, patriarchy is established).

2 who in the days of the Assyrian king Enemeser was taken captive from Tisbe, which was on the right [side] of Chidi Naphtali, in Galilee, above Asher. I, Tobit, all the days of my life walked the paths of truth and righteousness (Galilee – northern Palestine, Tobit found himself in Assyrian captivity. Enemessar, most likely the Assyrian king Shalmaneser V, reign: 727-722 BC, During the campaign against Israel and the siege of Samaria, a conspiracy was organized against him by the nobility, he was deposed and his half-brother Sargon II was elevated to his place).

3 And I did many good deeds to my brothers and to my people who came with me to the country of Assyria, to Nineveh. (Many captives from the “chosen people” were captured. Nineveh (home or city of Nina), the history of Nineveh dates back to the 5th millennium BC; in biblical times it was the capital city of the Assyrian kingdom (VIII-VII centuries BC Nineveh was located on the banks of the Tigris River (now the hills of Kuyunjik and Tel Nebi-Yunus, Iraq). In 612 BC it was taken by the troops of the Babylonians and Medes).

4 When I lived in my country, in the land of Israel, while still a youth, then the whole tribe of Naphtali my father was in revolt from the house of Jerusalem, chosen from all the tribes of Israel, to offer sacrifices to all of them there, where the temple of the village of the Most High was consecrated and established throughout all generations forever. (Tobit lived in Israel, the tribe ("tribe") of Naphtali diverged from the Jews, whose center is Jerusalem, the "temple of the village of the Most High" – the Jerusalem Temple in Zion).

5 As all the tribes that were revolted sacrificed to Baal the young man, so did the house of Naphtali my father. (“Departed tribes” are tribes that continued to worship the “wrong” gods: the Baals, the virgins).

6 But I alone often went to Jerusalem for the festivals, as was prescribed for all Israel by an everlasting decree, with the firstfruits and tithes of the produce [of the land] and the firstfruits of the fleece of the sheep (Tobit, however, honored the “right” god).

7 And he gave it to the priests, the sons of Aaron, for the altar: the tithe of all the produce he gave to the sons of Levi who ministered in Jerusalem; he sold the other tithe, and every year he went and spent it in Jerusalem; (Tobit was a “correct” believer).

8 And the third he gave to whomever was due, as Devorah my father’s mother commanded me, when I became an orphan after my father. (Tobit was a “correct” believer).

9 Having reached manhood, I took a wife, Anna, from our father’s family, and begat Tobiah from her. (The line of Tobit continued).

10 When I was taken captive to Nineveh, all my brothers and fellow tribesmen ate pagan food (In captivity, the Israelites ate the “wrong” food).

11 But I kept my soul and did not eat (Tobit was a “correct” believer).

12 For I remembered God with all my soul. (Tobit was a “correct” believer).

13 And the Most High granted me favor and favor with Enemesar, and I was his supplier; (Tobit became a supplier to the Assyrian king. All matters, from a religious point of view, are carried out with the “permission” of the “Almighty”).

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